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Word Prostitute® Writing℠ of Word Prostitute® Services of Word Prostitute® knows not only the importance of the writer, but also the importance of the words written by the writer.
Word Prostitute® Critiquing℠ of Word Prostitute® reads, rates and rants about published words. Word Prostitute® Critiquing℠ is critical of any words read. Word Prostitute® Critiquing℠, the service, is processed by Word Prostitute® Tools™ or a Word Prostitute® Tool℠.
Word Prostitute® Editing℠ edits words of the World that the world wants it to edit. Word Prostitute® Editing℠ finds the copy edits, the manuscript edits or a muse editor for one to muse of while Editing℠.
Word Prostitute® Publishing℠ is a service to publish words of a writer for a reader, editor, critic or publisher with the Word Prostitute® Tools™ and a Word Prostitute® Tool℠
Word Prostitute® Reading℠ , the Service, is a service used by all Word Prostitute® Services℠ .
Without a Tool, there would be no Word Prostitute® to whore.
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